ANCA has become one of the first businesses to team up with Australia’s fastest growing business power retailer, Flow Power, to buy power generated by renewable energy sources for its headquarters in Bayswater, Victoria.

Using an innovative and progressive business model, Flow Power tackles the issue of price and environment with a unique offering. Its renewable power, sourced from Ararat Wind Farm, can be used in real time to offset grid electricity consumption, potentially saving thousands of dollars in energy costs.

ANCA, a market leading manufacturer of CNC grinding machines, will now buy its power from Ararat Wind Farm through a power purchasing agreement (PPA) to access fixed rates for long-term savings. While very common around the world, this deal is one of the first in Australia.

The generation is offset against the business’s use, so that when ANCA uses more than what is generated in an interval, Flow Power sources additional electricity from the wholesale market to power the operation. When ANCA uses less, there is an option to selling the electricity back to Flow Power at an agreed price or back to the wholesale market.

“At ANCA we are always looking for opportunities to reduce our impact on the environment and, as a manufacturing plant, the partnership with Flow to access renewable power will bring us tremendous benefits,” said ANCA Group CEO Grant Anderson. “This is a win-win helping both our business and the environment.”

“We’re very pleased to welcome ANCA as a customer and one of the very first companies to benefit from Flow Power’s Renewable Corporate PPA,” added Matthew van der Linden, Managing Director of Flow Power. “This agreement is one of the first of its kind in Australia and will allow Australia to catch up with other international markets that have proven this model to be a success.

“Flow Power wants to empower businesses to take control of their energy consumption. Our Renewable Corporate PPAs help businesses to lower their carbon footprint and reduce overall emissions, while benefitting from lower power costs.”

Renewable Corporate PPAs allow businesses to contribute to a lower-carbon economy and reduce overall emissions, as well as potentially saving hundreds of thousands of dollars in energy costs.

“ANCA has succeeded on a global scale by taking an innovative approach to manufacturing,” added Anderson. “We see Flow Power’s unique model of giving companies back the control over their energy costs as an approach that shares our core value of innovation.

“Furthermore, being part of a wholesale strategy helps future-proof us in a market where fluctuating power costs are increasingly become a concern for businesses. The wholesale strategy generally outperforms fixed retail contract prices and provides greater transparency on spend and increased flexibility.”