Robots are often thought of as the technology of the future, but they’re actually quite old – in fact they recently celebrated their 100th birthday.

The word “robot” was first coined in Czech writer Karel Čapek’s play ‘R.U.R.’, written in 1920 and first performed in 1921. The play begins in a factory that makes artificial people, called roboti (robots), whom humans have created. Initially happy to work for humans, the robots revolt and cause the extinction of the human race.
While ‘R.U.R’ was the first countless works of science fiction in the century since that have depicted robots as sources of menace or wonder, the reality today is much more down to earth. Modern robots have become a feature of many modern workplaces, but nowhere more so than in the manufacturing industry. In today’s factory, robotics and automation systems have liberated human personnel from an ever-growing array of repetitive and dangerous tasks.

At AMW 2022, the Robotics & Automation Zone will showcase the latest state-of-the-art equipment and processes for the optimisation and digitalisation of manufacturing operations. While some of the world’s leading robot brands will be on display, there will also be exhibits from systems integration providers who specialise in helping manufacturing businesses adopt these technologies. In addition, the Zone will feature several companies that supply the software that brings these machines to life.

Australian Manufacturing Week 2022 will take place at the International Convention Centre Sydney (ICC Sydney) in Darling Harbour from 7-10 June 2022. For more information and to register your intention to attend, visit the AMW website at: