Air cleaners are designed to capture and clean exhaust air contaminated with oil and emulsion mists and fine particles emitted by machine tools.

However, many air cleaners are unable to extract the invisible, superfine particles that constitute the greatest threat to workers’ heath: mist particles with a diameter below 3-5μm. These particles can get into a person’s lungs and then the blood, potentially causing health issues.

Available in Australia from Dimac Tooling, Reven air cleaners feature Reven’s patented high-performance X-CYCLONE separating system, specifically developed for the separation of air-borne substances including fluid and superfine particles. Measurements by Germany’s Fraunhofer Institute prove that Reven air cleaners with X-CYCLONE technology attain a separation efficiency of 98% with critical particle sizes below 3-5 μm.

“The issue of removal of superfine particles in the air has perhaps been overlooked when it comes to general air filtering,” says Dimac Managing Director Paul Fowler. “But only highly efficient air cleaners such as Reven can remove a complete spectrum of pollutants such as mists and smoke, including of course superfine particles. Using a Reven air cleaner will ensure workers breathe fresh air and are protected from these particles. A Reven air cleaner provides a cost-efficient solution, putting an end to polluted workshops with grease-dripping exhaust air ducts and oily steel beams and windows.”

The compact floor-standing RJ Series is made of rust-proof and flame retardant stainless steel, designed, constructed, and produced in Germany. They run quietly and efficiently. The fan impeller and the electric motor have a sustainable design that results in significant savings on energy costs compared to conventional air cleaners and oil mist separators.

The Reven X-CYCLONE system is entirely mechanical with no auxiliary energy required, and contains no disposable products or filters that need to be replaced. The X-CYCLONE’s metal profile provides reliable ejection of mist particles due to multiple deflections of the airflow. The latest version is characterised by new arrow geometry, which provides a further 20% increase in separating efficiency. The X-CYCLONE is self-cleaning – oil is not collected but flows down on the surface of the polished blades into the collection channel.

“X-CYCLONE technology is a sustainable air-cleaning concept thanks to the use of cleanable separators,” Fowler adds. “As a result, operating and maintenance costs are considerably lower than conventional air cleaners that require filters to be cleaned or replaced on a regular basis. Simply wash it down once a year and the X-CYCLONE system will happily and quietly keep your workspace free of dust, mist, superfine particles and water-based aerosol.

“Another benefit of Reven air cleaners relates to their flame-arresting capacity compared to traditional air cleaners that use filters. Filters – particularly when saturated – involve a considerably higher risk of fire and must be washed out or replaced at regular intervals. Reven air cleaners drain the oil off into a collection channel over their polished surfaces and are self cleaning.”